Monday, January 16, 2012

Pre-Season starts!

Today marks the start of pre-season for Round 1, 2012 of the 12wbt. As such, I thought it fitting that I would record my goals, plans and desires for the coming 16 weeks.

Goals for Pre-Season
  • burn 200-500 calories each day (with one rest day)
  • stick to <1500 calories a day
  • meal plan - makes it a LOT easier to stick within my calories!
  • lose 5kg
  • allow myself to enjoy special days (twins birthday party, Australia Day) without over indulging and feeling guilty - exercise FIRST!
Goals for Round 1
  • burn 500 calories 5 days a week - in order to achieve this, I will need to be creative! I'll be walking around Fremantle in between classes at uni, getting off the bus a stop or 3 early and walking and making the most of the time I have available to me and smashing it when I can (I have both Jillian Michaels 30DS and Michelle Bridges DVDs so no excuses!)
  • burn 1000 calories 1 day a week -as above
  • stick with <1500 calories each day
  • complete the C25K program - starting on 13th February
  • complete the 5km Bridges Fun Run - 1st April
  • lose 20kg
So, my goals aren't small by any stretch but they are all quite achievable!  I received in the mail today my membership pack from the WA Marathon Club. It sounds so daunting but really, they run quite a few smaller 5km and 10km events. I want to,  by the end of the year, be able to complete a 10km run!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

2012 - what I want to achieve

This year is going to be MY year!

I'm going to get my life in order. I'm going to get healthy, I'm going to become and remain a woman of my word, I'm going to be a good role model, I'm going to have faith in my family and friends, I'm going to work hard to get what I want, I'm going to be true to myself and most of all - I'm going to learn to love myself.

I have decided that I've had enough of the negativity that I generally espouse and I simply will not do it anymore. I will endeavour to not be so judgmental of both myself and others, I will look at the positives BEFORE looking for any negatives and I will constantly review all that I have in my life that I am grateful for.

I will no longer use sarcasm to cover my emotions! I will feel them and share them with others. I will be genuine, fair and honest. I will no longer agree to something or stay somewhere where myself or my family are placed second. I need to show my kids that it is good to stand up for yourself and show them how to do it positively.

I will be losing weight (have already started and lost 3.1kg). I will be incorporating exercise into daily life. I will be including the whole family in this. I am going to enter the Bridges fun run on April 1st (10km) - I will aim to jog at least half of it. I am going to do the 12wbt and successfully finish it! My aim is to lose 20kg in the 12 weeks (starting 13th February). I will then see where I'm at and develop a plan for the rest of the year. Currently my overall goal for the year is to get a healthy BMI!

I will work hard at uni to complete my degree with a Distinction average. I am definitely more than capable of this and it is only my lack of effort that will bring my average down!

I owe it to myself to be the best me that I can be. Anything less is less than I deserve! This is the case for all areas of my life that I'm aiming to improve!

I'll be back with specific plans of attack for the areas I want to focus on first - weight, uni and being true to myself!


blah blah blah